
Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Shiny Red Package....

A shiny red package was in my mailbox yesterday. Before I even had a chance to read the label I crossed my fingers hoping it was for me. And it was. It was sent from my dear friend Christa. I was intrigued as to what was inside, so I played the game in my head, what could it possibly be?
With great anticipation, I opened my shiny red package. Inside was the book Julie and Julia by Julie Powell and a beautifully handwritten note from Christa congratulating me on the start of my blog. She highly recommended that I read the book and also watch the movie because it's about a woman who writes a food blog based on Julia Child's recipes. I planned on buying the book for our upcoming vacation but she beat me to it. And I am so excited to read it. 
When I read the first few pages of the book I noticed Christa wrote this note inside. What a perfect gift, from a perfect friend! Thank you Christa.

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