
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Salt n Vinegar Spinach Chips

All the rage lately is with kale chips. Don't get me wrong, I love kale chips but when you look on sites like Pinterest or in cooking magazines or on Dr. Oz that's all you see. Kale, kale and more kale. Let's not forget about our other leafy veggies that also make delicious chips, like spinach. Yes, spinach! We also love brussel sprout chips but I'll save that for another post. If you are a fan of kale chips you will for sure be a fan of spinach chips. This week I bought a huge container of baby spinach and had leftovers so I decided to make Salt n Vinegar Spinach Chips. Plus, Tyler and Zachary had their basketball banquet tonight and I wanted to make a quick snack for them. You're probably thinking seriously Andrea…you worked all day, helped the boys with their homework, had to get ready to go to a sports banquet and in the midst of all of that you made homemade spinach chips???? You're also probably thinking impossible or I'm just simply crazy. I may be a little crazy but making homemade spinach chips in the midst of mayhem is not impossible. It's that quick and easy, oh and that scrumptiously addicting! I made two sheets of spinach chips and they were devoured in literally minutes by the boys. They really like kale chips but I actually think they prefer spinach chips. If you are one who is skeptical about making kale chips because you're not sure if they will really taste good or if your kids will really eat them like candy, don't be. They are super tasty and your kids will eat them like candy. A few years ago I was one of those skeptics but now they are a regular part of our diet. Spinach chips are iron and nutrient rich and low in calories and fat. I love making recipes that are healthy because I don't feel guilty eating extras. Spinach Chips are a great alternative to potato chips or any chip for that matter. So if you are one of those skeptics like I was, take the plunge and give it a try. The worst case scenario is you never have to make them again. Salute to crispy, crunchy, salty, vinegary, healthy, addicting spinach chips!
Coat the spinach leaves with olive oil, sea salt and vinegar
Just out of the oven, warm and crispy
Fresh spinach chips ready to be devoured
Zachary and Nate eating them like candy
They barely saved any for Tyler!
Salt n Vinegar Spinach Chips (Click to print recipe)

Preparation and cook time: 20 minutes

Serves: 4


  • 2 cups baby spinach
  • 1 tb olive oil
  • 1 tb vinegar
  • sea salt to taste
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line 2 cookie sheets with parchment paper. They will stick to the cookie sheet if you don't use parchment paper. In a bowl mix spinach leaves with olive oil and vinegar. Mix well until all leaves are coated with the olive oil. Lay the spinach leaves on the parchment paper and make sure they are not overlapping or touching. Sprinkle sea salt on the leaves. Bake in oven for about 10 minutes or until crisp. Be sure to keep an eye on them because they will burn fast. Take out of the oven and let cool for 5 minutes so they will crisp more. 

Food Impressions:

Nate: "Ooooh I love these. Are there more?"

Tyler: Almost cried because Nate and Zachary ate most of them.

Zachary: "These are so crispy, they like melt in your mouth."

Andrea: The crunch and saltiness make these so good. I'll make sure to make more next time, especially for Tyler.
Great basketball season boys! 

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