
Sunday, January 4, 2015

2015 New Years Resolutions!

The boys and I worked on Native Offerings Farm during the summer. We made some amazing meals with the shares of fresh vegetables they gave us.
The ski season is back and so am I…I mean back to blogging that is! Looking back, it seems that most of my posts were done during last years' ski season. I think the winter months allow for more down time which in turn allows for more blog time. Even though I haven't blogged in a while certainly doesn't mean I haven't been cooking. Trust me, I've been cooking, a lot! The boys have also been cooking a lot as well, they even started their own cooking videos! Despite my incredibly busy family life, I continue to cook and try new recipes almost everyday. I try not to let anything get in the way of my passion for cooking. I don't think Dave and the boys would ever allow anything to get in my way, they love my homemade food too much!

I've taken so many pictures of the meals that I've cooked over the months but sadly I just haven't had the time to blog about them. If you go back to my very first post, you will see that my New Years Resolution for 2014 was to blog about my family recipes and their "food impressions", hence the name. My primary motivation for blogging has been to document and journal our family meals. The boys love it when I blog, and have missed it when I don't. After I cook a meal I often hear them say "Mom, are you going to blog about this meal cause it's so awesome!" Even many of my dear friends and family have missed reading my blog posts…in particular my biggest fans my husband Dave, Christa, Stephanie and my father-in-law! Thanks for the blogger love guys!

So as the new year begins here are my 2015 New Years Resolutions: 1) to continue to blog about our family meals and food impressions..when I have time that is! 2)To donate, purge and de-clutter the hundreds (thousands) of out-of-site, out-of-mind items in our basement storage rooms and 3) To do 100 leg lunges and squats per day…well, lets make that 50.

Salute to new years resolutions and salute to cooking many many delicious meals and creating memorable food impressions for my family and friends! Here's to a happy, healthy new year to all!

Carrots the boys dug out of the ground
We picked loads of tomatillos  
My chopped salad recipe with freshly picked vegetables

Just a sample of our share 
Roasted tomatoes and zucchini, bursting with flavor

One of the boys' jobs on the farm was to feed the pigs..the absolute highlight of the day!

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