
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Blueberry Galette - Julia Child Style!

I bought three pounds of blueberries over the weekend. They're not even in season but these blueberries looked amazing, plus the boys eat them like they're popcorn. Every summer we go blueberry picking and most of the blueberries end up in the boys' mouths rather than in the bucket! Needless to say, the boys would be happy eating blueberries all day long, everyday day of the year.

Given that it's January, one of the coldest months in Buffalo, I thought a warm blueberry dessert would be a good choice. So I pulled my Baking with Julia cookbook off the shelf and started perusing every delicious looking page. Every dessert looked better than the next. I kept saying to myself "stay focused and look for blueberries." I finally went to the back index and found Berry Galette page 377. I quickly flipped to the page, read the description and said "ahhh perfect." Leave it to Julia Child, the master of cooking and baking, to help me decide on the perfect dessert.

The ironic thing is that Julia isn't known for simple cooking; in fact many of her recipes are quite the opposite. This recipe is far from complicated, it's darn right easy! Julia states in her Berry Galette recipe introduction that "It is so simple and inviting and so enjoyable to construct that you'll find yourself turning to it frequently." After making this dessert and taking a bite, I knew this statement was 100% accurate. It's simple to make, inviting to eat and will be made often.

This Berry Galette recipe is a 5 ingredient dessert: Blueberries, sugar, honey, butter and pie dough. It took me 10 mintes to prepare and then another 40 minutes to bake. As soon as I took it out of the oven I was impressed with how beautiful it looked! The crust was a golden brown and the deep purple blueberries were bubbling and oozing sweet juice. This is a dessert that tastes as good as it looks!

This berry galette dessert is best eaten warm. So if your are not eating it right out of the oven, make sure to nook it in the microwave for 30 seconds. Serve it with a dollop of vanilla ice cream, whipped cream or vanilla greek yogurt for a layer of creaminess. What I really like about this dessert is that its not too sweet. So not only does it make a nice after dinner dessert but it also makes a great morning dessert with coffee or tea.

So if you love blueberries like our family does and are looking for a simple inviting dessert, look no further. Salute to Blueberry Galette - Julia Child Style!

Blueberry Galette
Juicy blueberries with a golden sugar crust
Julia Child's Recipe
Start with blueberries 
Add sugar, honey and butter

Pleat the dough and add the butter and bake
It tastes as good as it looks!
Make an impression on your family and friends
You won't stop at one bite
Blueberry Galette (adapted) by Julia Child (Click to print recipe)

Serves 4-6

Preparation and cook time: 50 minutes


  • 1 prepared 11-12 inch round pie dough
  • 1 1/2 cups fresh blueberries
  • 1 tb sugar, plus 1 t sugar
  • 1 tb honey
  • 1 tb unsalted cold butter, cut into tiny pieces
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Place a piece of parchment paper on a round baking sheet. Lay prepared pie dough on parchment paper. Meanwhile in a bowl, add blueberries, 1 tb sugar and honey and mix gently. Add blueberry mixture to middle of pie dough leaving two inch border. Add butter to top of berries. Begin folding and pleating the border of dough to make a crust. Brush the crust with water and sprinkle the remaining 1 t of sugar to the crust. Bake on 2nd to bottom rack for 35-40 minutes or until crust is golden brown. Serve warm.

Food Impressions:

Nate: "Good job mom, this is awesome."

Tyler: "This is so good I could eat the whole pie."

Zachary: "Delicious."

Dave: "It was really good, not too sweet and a hint of tartness."

Andrea: The berries are busting with flavor. The crust adds a nice compliment to the berries with out being overbearing. So easy to make. Looks beautiful. Perfect for impressing guests. Will be a go-to recipe.


  1. I've been meaning to try my hand at making a galette. I love that this looks elegant yet it is still easy. Thanks for posting.

    1. Give it a try Lynn, you will love this galette recipe! I took a short cut and used a pre-made pie dough…I know Julia is cringing…and it was quick, easy and oh so delicious. Any berries would work great too!
