
Sunday, February 22, 2015

The 17 Day Diet - I'm Ready For The Challenge!

I have 38 days to look good in you bikini!

Thanks to my dear friend Stephanie, today I am starting The 17 Day Diet by Dr. Mike Moreno, M.D. (Click to learn more) After a cold day of skiing this past weekend, Stephanie and I were enjoying some adult libations at the lodge. She was telling me that she and her friends were going to start the 17 Day Diet together. I was intrigued so I asked her to tell me more. She went on to explain that there are four 17 day cycles and each one promises rapid weight loss. She further explained that the diet allows for a variety of foods while it rids the body of impurities such as fat, sugar and toxins. She then quickly reminded me that spring break was in 6 short weeks! 38 days to be exact. That's all she needed to say for me to immediately reply "I'm in!" She is going on a caribbean cruise with her family and friends and I'm going to our newly bought vacation house in Melbourne Beach, Florida with my family and friends so the thought of wearing a bathing suit for all to see, made me cringe, like a lot! Now mind you, as she continued to educate me on the specifics of this diet we were drinking cabernet wine and Budweiser beer while stuffing ourselves with Italian sausage, chicken chili and slutty brownies!  Dave briefly listened to our conversation and got a good chuckle. We enjoyed every sip and every bite knowing this would be our last indulgence until our sun filled, hopefully-bikini wearing vacations.

The more I read up on this diet, the more I'm looking forward to starting it. It seems pretty easy to stick to and isn't too far off from our family's normal diet anyways. It incorporates a variety of fruit, vegetables and lean protein during the first cycle. After that, it allows for even more foods so you are less likely to feel deprived or grow tired of eating the same foods. It also incorporates 17 minutes of exercise per day….I can handle that. The most difficult part of this diet for me will be obstaining from flavored coffee creamers, wine and bread. Those who are close to me know that won't be easy an easy task. Dave is traveling on business quite a bit over the next couple of months so that in itself will make it a good time for me to start the diet. As far as the boys they love most vegetables and can't get enough chicken and seafood so they'll adapt quite well. Plus, I can easily make pasta, rice or potatoes on the side for them at dinner time. I'll just have to refrain from taking a bite  or two while I'm preparing it for them. 

How much weight do I want to lose? That's not so easy to answer. After I turned 45, I decided to stop weighing myself on the scale. I fluctuate between 5-7 pounds pretty easily depending on the time of year, time of month or heck, even the time of day! In my opinion it's not about how much you weigh it's more about how you feel about yourself. I have a pair of red shorts that I've had since Nate was born…that was 12 years ago and I still wear them. Throughout the 12 years those red Old Navy shorts have ranged from fitting loose to fitting a little, okay a lot snug on me. I feel best about my weight when those red shorts feel a little loose on me. So rather than using a scale I use my shorts as a scale! Right now they fit snug, ARG!! Hopefully after this diet I will feel foot loose and fancy free in them! This diet claims to help you shed 10 pounds or more in the 1st 17 day phase. I'm not weighing myself so you will not know how much I've lost, or gained! Those 12 year old red shorts will tell you the success of this diet for me. 

Since this is a food blog journaling my family's recipes, you will see a compilation of what I will be eating on the diet for the next 6 weeks. I will also post the recipes, post my progress or lack there of, as well as post about my daily impressions of the diet. Plus, I figured if I blog about it I will be held more accountable!! If you have completed the 17 Day Diet or are currently on it I would love to hear your impressions, that means you Stephanie! 

Salute to the 17 Day Diet and looking good and feeling good in my bathing suit on the beaches of Melbourne Beach, Florida!
The 17 Day Diet (Click for more information)
I'll be ready for you Melbourne Beach, Florida...
sporting my bikini….
in 38 days!

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