
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

I'm Officially Out of the Closet...

Yes, it's true my family and friends! As of Friday, February 14, 2014, I am officially "out of the closet." I am......a Food Blogger! This was not an easy choice for me. I wasn't sure what people would think. I very timidly sent my food-impressions link on FB and that was my way of sharing my secret world of blogging. And I anxiously awaited my first likes, thank you Patti F and Andrea C! First off, I want to thank all of my family and friends for all of the amazing compliments, support and positive feedback you have given me since I shared my blog with you. If you go back to my first post "My New Years Resolution" or my About Me page you'll see that the purpose of my blog is to regularly journal my family's recipes, menus and experiences. Initially, it was just Dave and the boys reading my posts and they truly got a hoot out of them. Dave kept saying "Your posts are awesome, you should share your blog with others." It honestly didn't matter to me if Dave was the only one reading my posts but he encouraged me to at least share them with our parents, so I did. They are certainly not the most tech savvy folks so getting them to even view my blog was a HUGE challenge. Our parents loved it and besides Dave (my biggest and most supportive fan) and the boys, they became my second biggest fans! They were gushing with compliments. My mom kept trying to comment on every post she read but couldn't and Dave's dad kept texting me "Yum, make me that." Dave kept encouraging me to tell others, so eventually I shared it with my cousin Christine and my friend Christa, they also just loved it and gave me such positive feedback. Christine even posted her version of my gnudi recipe. There are so many amazing professional and interesting food blogs out there and by no means do I consider my blog professional. My gosh I use my iPhone to take pictures of my food and the food I blog about the is food I actually cooked and ate that day! However, I do feel my blog has a place out there for people to see. When I started my blog it was interesting seeing Google Stats and seeing wow, I do have an audience (it's small, ok fine microscopic) and that people from all over have viewed my blog. I even have a loyal reader from Germany...thank you whoever you are! I figured sooner or later I had to tell everyone important in my life that I have a blog....I know some of you were thinking why does she keep taking pictures of her you know why! You should see me taking pictures of our crockpot meals at Holiday Valley...people were looking at me like I was a wack-a-doo (Case in point - check out the bottom photo from my post Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, I actually shot that at the fireplace in the lodge...I had to wait until no one was sitting there trying to warm up..I even had to move people's gloves so it wouldn't be in my photo! Check out the Sloppy Joe post..I took about 40 pictures with that placemat because the lighting was should have seen the looks this skier dude at the table next to us was giving me) I hear a lot of "Stop taking pictures and just eat!" In the very short time that I have been blogging I've found that it's a lot of work but it's truly been a labor of love for me. It has also become another outlet for me besides shopping (that makes Dave happy) and running (bad thing for me, I've probably gained 5 lbs since I started this blog). So now that I'm officially out of the closet, and not that there's anything wrong with that, I feel a sense of relief! My dear family and friends thank you, thank you, thank you for your amazing support and incredible positive feedback you have given me on my means the world. Be sure to keep reading my posts because you never know when you'll be mentioned or even featured on my blog. Salute to coming out of the closet and admitting I am a food blogger!


  1. Andrea, you may be coming out of the closet as a food blogger, but you've never been in it as a foodie ; ) Just keep the pictures to those of the food, and not to those of the fortunate souls who get to eat it!

  2. So glad to see you have posted your blog, you put so much work into it and it is spectacular! Glad to be with you every step of the way cousin!! Let's get together and combine our culinary obsessions and make a heavenly scrumptious gourmet meal soon!!
